Archive for Appreciation & Gratitude


Remembering the witches

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Have you wondered where your power and strength comes from? Or why at times you are overcome with a fear that seems unjustified given the life you are living? Who were the witches? What happened? What can we learn? How does our history inform us, as women and men, today? This Halloween is a good time to remember those women whose lives were lost hundreds of years ago. *  *  * I recently saw the Canadian documentary The Burning Times for the first time. Produced in 1990 by Donna Read, the Read more [...]
As I begin my fifth week of blogging, the words that are top of mind for me are: gratitude and generosity. First, I want to thank everyone who has been reading, commenting, liking, tweeting, and sharing my posts. I am so grateful for your interest and engagement. I have spoken to a number of people who are reading it and giving me positive feedback. And I am so glad for that because otherwise I only know you’re reading if you leave a comment. And speaking of comments, maybe it’s because I am Read more [...]
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Hello world!

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Hello and welcome to my website and blog! This is my very first post on my brand new website. While there are a zillion things I could write about, the topics which are front-and-center for me right now are APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE. Many thanks to many friends, colleagues, clients and mentors who have supported me directly and indirectly in launching my independent practice (in the fall of 2009) and this website (in the fall of 2010). With respect to launching this website, I especially want to Read more [...]
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